Effective Tricks to Find Out the Ranking Position of Articles on Google

Khamir29 - Checking the position of the article in SERP ( Search Engine Result Page) is the most practice is something that most SEO practitioners do to check whether whether their articles rank well on the main page of Google or not. If don't appear on the main pages of search engines, they usually do changing new strategies to compete again and take the page main Google. As we know, Google provides huge traffic Compared to other search engines, Google occupies the main position mandatory if you want to have abundant traffic instantly!.

By checking the position of the article on Google, you can also find out who it is your rivals and how strong your rivals are. If you already know the position articles on Google and who your competition is, then you can plan to build and outrank them from targeted keyword competition.

There are a number of tools to check the ranking or position of articles on Google. In In this post,  I will share with you how to do it find out the position of articles on Google SERP accurately. Please take a good look Good!

To find out the ranking position of an article on Google, you can use the site http://www.whatsmyserp.com/serpcheck.php , but this way you can only see up to rank 300.  So If your article's ranking is below 300, it will not appear.

  1. Open the site WhatsMySerp
    -In the 'Domain Name' box, please enter the Domain name that you have without -For the 'Domain 1,2,3' Please just leave it blank.-In the 'Region' box, please Select the search area from Google, you can use global (.com) or Indonesia (.co.id)wwwor http

  2. At the bottom, enter the keywords / keywords for your article that you want to know the ranking of
    -You can enter several keywords for your article there.
    You can check the position of your articles one by one or several keywords at once, by 'check all keywords' . Not long after, this site immediately displays the position of your article on Google. Please see the example image below.

From the example image above, the article belongs to khamir29 with the keywords 'how to line stickers for free' has a ranking of 15 on Indonesian Google searches.

That's all from Effective Tricks to Find Out the Ranking Position of Articles on Google Hopefully this is useful ^_^