Newest Auto Invite Facebook Group 2024 100% SAFE and FAST

khamir29 - According to the title above, the Admin will share information on how to invite all Facebook friends into the group easily and safely. Maybe some of us find it difficult when we want to invite friends to a group, because we can only invite them manually, aka one at a time, whereas we need lots of group members whether for business purposes, forums, sharing, etc.

Well, on this occasion the Admin wants to tell you the easiest and fastest way to invite our Facebook friends to join the group. This method is different from usual, where we usually use a script, this time we will use an extension from Chrome and UC Browser called 'Group Invite All ', Mozilla Admin hasn't found it yet.

This extension is guaranteed safe (does not contain viruses), and will not damage your Facebook account.

Before going into how to use it, make sure the Chrome or UC Browser you are using is the latest version. Immediately, here's how to use it:

  1. Download the extension, click here
  2. Select Add To Chrome
  3. If ADD has been successful it will appear on the right Dashboard above

  4. Login to your Facebook
  5. After that, you open the Facebook group that you want to invite members to
  6. Click Facebook Tools, an invite to member box will appear (if it doesn't appear, please refresh your browser or reload Facebook and click Facebook Tools again, wait a few moments until it appears)
  7. It will automatically invite all Facebook friends to become members of our group, and wait until the process is complete.

  8. Finished
NB** Please invite 50 friends every 5 minutes, if you don't wait, you won't be able to invite again for 1 day, it's considered SPAM.
That's all from the article Auto Invite Latest Facebook Group 100% SAFE and FAST. If it's still not clear, or you have something to ask, you can comment in the column below. Hopefully helpful, and thank you!!!. ^_^