Easy Way to Place Adsense Ads in the Middle of Posts

khamir29 - The placement of adsense ads has a big influence on the number of clicks generated, the more clicks generated, the more income we get.

Therefore, we have to be clever at placing it in strategic places. One of them is in the middle of the post, as in the image below. In this way, the ad will be seen by visitors when the visitor views the post, and of course this will increase the number of clicks generated.

How to place AdSense ads in the middle of a post is quite easy, here's how:
  1. Open your AdSense account and go to the 'My Ads' section
  2. Then click 'New Ad Unit' , select the type / style of ad you want to appear at the top side of the post.
  3. Next, copy the entire ad code

  4. Parse the ad code into XML, by visiting Crowds Blog. Following are the results after the code is parse-kan.

  5. Open Blogger > Templates > Edit HTML. Next  press Ctrl + F then search  <data:post.body/> ,right above the code, insert the code below
    <div expr:id='"post1" + data:post.id'/><div class='googlepublisherads' style='margin:20px 0'><center> ############## </center></div> ;

  6. Take the Adsense code that you parsed previously on blogcrowds.com, then Please change the code ###### above which is written in color red with the adsense code from the parse results, don't forget, please you save your blog template.

That's all from the article Easy Ways to Place Adsense Ads in the Middle of Posts. If it's still not clear, or you have something you want to ask, you can comment in the column below. Hopefully helpful, and thank you!!!. ^_^